Thursday, October 8, 2009

100% Linen sheets....sheer bliss!

Linen sheets....yes, sleep like royalty on these amazing linen sheets. Cool to the touch and warm in the winter.....environmentally friendly as they dry quickly and require little care. If you've ever thought about linen sheets, these are the ones for you. Custom made by our linen workroom in Russia and custom fitted here in the U.S., you'll fall in love with the touch of linen. We have just received four sets of Queen size pure white linen fitted sheet, one flat sheet and two matching pillowcases.....with hemstitching detailing. Oversized and custom fitted to your specific mattress. View them in our ebay store - RUSSIA HOUSE COLLECTION.
Cheers, Jilly

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Linen Sister Unite!

Hello Fellow Linen Sisters!

After searching around some of the blog sights for linen and other linen lovers, I've decided to start my own blog! I'm totally new to all of this any suggestions and helpful hints will always be welcomed. Another reason to start a new linen blog is to talk about the beauty of Russian linen and to introduce all of you to my collection of Russian linen products features by the RUSSIA HOUSE COLLECTION, a small design, manufacturing, and importing company I founded in 2006 with my trusty business partner, Tanya. This little company was a new adventure for both myself and Tanya, but I was so in love with Russian linen, there was little that could be done to stop me.

After living and working in Moscow for many years(1997 - 2007) and buying as much linen fabric and tablecloths as I could wag home from the fabric shops, I started feeling a little guilt about being a linen glutton. I had made linen drapes, linen duvet covers, linen tea cosies, linen tea name it, I made it in Russian linen. A transfer back to the U.S. really cramped my I started cutting up my "extra" linen tablecloths and yard goods to make some wonderful products. My first product was a wonderful linen jacket made from a beautiful sky blue and white paisley tablecloth with beautiful hemstitching. This just led to more and more jackets....about 20 in all...which sold well at a local craft show. There was only one problem! I had run out of linen tablecloths I was willing to cut up! As luck would have it, my husband was asked to return to Russia for a six month period.....problem solved! So back to Moscow we went....searching for a new apartment, furnishing it with IKEA specials and being on the constant prowl for linen.....any way, shape, or form!

Now my task was made much easier by the Russian all products are labeled with great details about each piece....fabric content, size, manufacturer, etc. The only problem was the language.....Russian! A beautiful but frustrationg language, to say the least! Now I could read all the info on the labels...but contacting manufacturers and chatting about details and contracts was way over my head! Enter Julia....the teenage daughter of my reluctant busines partner....and she agreed to contact all the manufacturers and ask the questions I would have never been able to speak in Russia.

So, we, Tanya and myself, started our journey to learn as much about the linen business as we could! HA! We still have only scratched the surface....but what fun we have had and what thinks we have learned! Join us as we share with you this journey and all the wonderful products that we are making in Russian linen!

You can currently find our linen products in our eBay store the RUSSIA HOUSE COLLECTION and also in our Etsy store LINEN SISTERS. Take a quick look and we'll chat some more later!

Cheers, Jilly