Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snow and sunny days.  Here in the Rocky Mountains, we often have snow on the ground and very sunny days.....which tease us with the possibility of an early Spring.  I have to tell you that after living in Russia for so many years, the sunny Winter day can do wonders for the soul!  As a retailer, January brings the drudge of inventory and taxes......and I can happily say, that for the first time in many years, I've gotten my inventory and taxes done and ready to meet with my accountant on Friday!  Now I will have more time to play in the snow on sunny days!

I've also started the Master Gardener class offered by our local extension office.....we meet every Thursday from 9 am till 4 pm and although it is a long day, packed with more information than my little brain has had to process in many years, I find it a wonderful time with fellow gardeners and we are learning so much!  I'll be in this class through the end of April.....so will be able to really get a better grasp of what it takes to grow a garden here in the Rockies at 7,000+ feet of elevation.  It is a challenge with our short growing season, the clay soil, and all the critters that feast on anything I plant!  But, I will soldier on and conquer the lack of warm nights, the soil and the deer and chipmunks!  Photos in the summer of my success!  Cheers, Jilly 

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